
Hi Friends.

Welcome to my blog. A sprinkle of things that make me happy. Hope you enjoy!



First and foremost thank you in advance for joining me on this journey. So let’s talk about how long and why it took me so long to get started. I knew that I wanted to actually do this in August and I wrote my first entry in September. I think I was scared. Wait actually I know that I was scared. Scared to tell people my weaknesses, scared to do something different. Being scared allow me to come up with the name "fearlessly capable". So the thought began in July, I was sure in August, I wrote my first entry in September, and now February here we are.

Fearless: lacking fear. bold. brave. confident

Capable: able to achieve whatever one has to do

Be sure to subscribe and leave comments below!

xoxo, fearlessly capable

Owning My Truth

Owning My Truth