
Hi Friends.

Welcome to my blog. A sprinkle of things that make me happy. Hope you enjoy!

I'm back....again.

I'm back....again.

Here we are 6 almost 7 months into the year and I have not published a blog post & honestly I have no regrets. I think we all can agree that 2020 has been a rough 6 months.

I have about 4 blogs written but I’ve just been way to scared to post them. For the last 6 months A LOT has happened. Some good things and some bad things but that’s life. Just know that I did my first BIG girl thing and I’m so damn proud. I will share when the time is right. But also will the time ever be right LOL.

I am currently struggling with over sharing but the things I have experienced are “normal” and things happen. And to be completely honest I think I’m scared. Not because I’m scared of how people will react but scared of letting everyone know so much about me.

I started this blog because I felt empty. I felt broken. I felt sad. I also knew that those broken and empty feelings I had once experienced sure didn’t start with me and they definitely would not end with me. I knew that I wanted to share my feelings and also possibly help someone else.

Quarantine for me started around March 20th. Which was something that I didn’t know I needed. I was working two jobs and had become completely burned out. I had no time to do things that I enjoyed and the only time I seen my friends is when we were at work. I began to work from home which lasted for about 2 months. My other job had completely closed. Hallelujah.

At first I hated working from home but then I soon realized that all the things I had no time for I had time for now. This was me being grateful. I posted a video about how I’ve been practicing gratitude (CLICK HERE) and honestly this is what got me through quarantine. Being on “lock down” was different. The world we once knew had completely changed within a few days. Stores were closed, people went crazy over toilet paper, masks in public had become mandatory, and anyone who coughed were scared that they would get side eyed.

My time has been spent doing things I enjoy:

· Spending a lot of time outdoors (hiking, beach, going on walks)

· Laying on my couch in my undies

· Being able to talk to my friends and family more

· Giving myself pedicures while also saving a few dollars

· Trying new restaurants

· Reading

· Buying myself flowers

· Eating cuties (those little oranges)

· Watching Dave Ramsey lol

Since I’ve had this extra time I am unsure whether or not I will return to my second job. Money is nice but my happiness is worth so much more. I guess we (me and you guys) will have to see!



Goodbye 2019

Goodbye 2019