
Hi Friends.

Welcome to my blog. A sprinkle of things that make me happy. Hope you enjoy!

Am I back Blogging?

Am I back Blogging?

For months I have been attempting to write, and for months I have failed.

Part of it was feeling like I had nothing to write about and the other part was feeling like I had been gone for so long that no one would be interested anymore.

Honestly there have been a million things to write about but none of them seem interesting enough

Self doubt? Maybe

Overwhelmed by everyday life? Maybe

Exhausted from surviving a pandemic? Maybe

I made a statement at work about how I was never good at math but I’ve always been one to love words. Whether that was reading or writing. Both have a special place in my heart. Then I had this realization that I may not be consistent with a lot of things but I am always consistent with reading.

Writing is how I express myself and my thoughts, its almost as if I feel free. When I have hard days, I write. Now those words will never see the light of day because it's just me letting out anger.

So here’s a quick recap

-April 12th made a year that Ive moved back home. Missing Hawaii every single day.

-I have received 3 promotions in a year

-I am still learning myself, likes, dislikes, triggers, etc

-Learning to express gratitude at all times

OOTD: Dinner Edition

OOTD: Dinner Edition

Byodo- In Temple

Byodo- In Temple